Will JSON replace XML in future?

It's difficult to say whether JSON will completely replace XML in the future. However, it's certainly possible that JSON will become the more popular format for data exchange between applications and between different programming languages. There are a few reasons for this:

1. JSON is simpler and easier to read than XML. This is because JSON uses a straightforward key-value pair structure, while XML uses more complex nested elements.

2. JSON is faster to parse than XML. This is because JSON can be parsed using standard JavaScript functions, while XML requires more complicated parsing algorithms.

3. JSON is less verbose than XML. This means that JSON files are typically smaller in size than XML files, which can make them easier to transmit and download.

4. JSON supports a wider range of data types than XML. This includes basic data types such as numbers and strings, as well as more complex data types such as arrays and objects.

Also Read: Hosting JSON and XML online for free

Overall, JSON has a number of advantages over XML which could make it the preferred format for data exchange in the future.

Published on: 29-Jun-2022