Why JavaScript is Important for Web Developers?

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JavaScript, also known as JS, has become an essential skill set among today’s web developers, as it provides developers with the ability to add interactivity and responsiveness to web applications and websites.

JavaScript can be used to add new features to your site that would not otherwise be possible if you were to rely on other coding languages or frameworks.

What is Javascript?

Javascript is a client-side scripting language that was developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape in 1995. JavaScript allows developers to add a variety of dynamic and interactive elements to their website’s content, making it easier to add features such as animations, games, event handling, and user interface controls.

If you want to enhance your existing websites or make them more interactive, Javascript may be right for you. It’s one of many web development languages that are used today.

What JavaScript can do?

In fact, with its ability to be used in so many different applications and formats, it’s often referred to as a glue language. It has become an essential tool in web development – from client-side scripting, to frontend design and functionality, to server-side application integration.

The days of needing multiple programming languages for each platform are over – use JS everywhere. And don’t just take our word for it: according to Stack Overflow, JavaScript (in all its forms) is now firmly established as one of [the] most popular development tools on earth.

So if you want to create high-quality interactive web pages or applications, learning JavaScript should be at the top of your list. Check out these other reasons why you should learn JavaScript now!

Also Read: Page Speed: How Minifying CSS and JavaScript Files Can Help Your Web Page Load Faster

How Javascript works?

Javascript works as a client-side language, meaning it runs inside your web browser and communicates with your server through AJAX. In fact, modern web pages won’t load until they get a communication back from your Javascript code telling them that it’s okay to do so.

This makes Javascript an incredibly powerful tool for adding interactivity to your website—you can use it to display popups or make buttons change color based on user input.

It also means that you need to have at least some knowledge of how Javascript works in order to effectively develop websites; if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could cause serious damage by breaking important elements of your site or causing security vulnerabilities.

Features of Javascript

There are many of them and they differ from one another in terms of functionality, usability and performance. But a few fundamental features that all modern browsers support are as follows The best thing about javascript is that it’s an open source language.

This means you can use it to create websites and applications without paying any license fee or royalty. It also gives you freedom to modify its codes as per your requirements. Moreover, Javascript doesn’t require any special hardware or software to run on your computer like Java does.

It runs on all major web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari etc., so there is no need to install anything else on your computer.

Read also: Hosting .JS file online for free

Javascript's importance in web development

JavaScript has become an essential part of web development. It’s a client-side scripting language and one of most popular programming languages that has changed how we think about developing websites.

Thanks to its versatility, speed, and flexibility, it’s been adopted by all major browsers as well as programming frameworks including jQuery. To put it simply, javascript is what makes webpages come alive.

Published on: 26-Jun-2022