Importance of CSS in Web Development

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, have become essential to the design of modern websites. CSS allows you to easily change the appearance of your website without having to do any complicated programming, and it’s extremely useful when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).

But what exactly are CSS, and why should you care about them? This guide explains everything you need to know about CSS so that you can use them effectively on your website.

What is CSS?

Although CSS called Cascading Style Sheets, it isn’t really a language. It’s a collection of rules used to determine how elements on a web page should be displayed. Because style rules can be located externally, you don’t have to mess with any code within your HTML pages (or even open them) and can instead just write external style sheets.

The benefit is that if you decide to change things later, all you need to do is edit one file. There are also lots of great tools for managing multiple stylesheets, including preprocessors like Sass or LESS that let you use variables and functions—so if something changes from project to project or screen size to screen size, you only need one line of code changed rather than rewriting everything.

Read more: Can You Really Build a Website Using Only CSS?

Why should you care about CSS?

Although JavaScript and HTML are two sides of a coin, CSS is something different altogether. Since both HTML and JavaScript are languages, they’re capable of communicating independently from one another.

Because it’s not a language, CSS has to communicate with both JavaScript and HTML to get its job done. Therein lies its power!

By combining CSS with HTML and JavaScript, you can create beautiful websites that load quickly and work across all platforms. That’s why learning how to use CSS is so important for web developers.

Why CSS is important?

For any web designer, it’s really important to understand how CSS works so you can easily change and customize your website, without having to start from scratch.

When you write a line of code for your website (which is built with HTML), one of those lines needs to be written for every single element on your website.

For example, if you want to make a change to how something looks, like a logo or text field, you need to add code into that particular area. If you don’t know CSS, then you have to go through each part of your site individually to find where each piece of information is stored. This process can take hours!

How do CSS and HTML work together?

In order to properly understand how CSS and HTML work together, it’s important to first know what each language does. HTML provides a way for you to structure your content so that it is understandable by all web browsers, whereas CSS provides a way for you to style your content based on your preferences.

In essence, HTML provides instructions for everyone on how to display text and other information using tags like headings, paragraphs, lists and links.

On the other hand, CSS gives you control over how these elements look with attributes such as font size, color and background images. You can even change things like margins or padding to alter spacing between various parts of your page.

Also Read: Hosting Custom Css and Js Externally with StaticSave

Essentially, HTML serves as a framework while CSS helps make things look pretty.

Published on: 26-Jun-2022